According to the __________ Americans view the term "capitalism" more negatively than the term "free enterprise". Compared to Sweden the U.S. Gini coefficient reveals . 36. Most scholars of international development believe. 34. a system of government that serves the interests of the corporations. 69. 86. The symbolic interactionist perspective of work and unemployment is most likely to be concerned with explaining. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of those considered unemployed? The majority of the poorest nations, as measured by the GNI in 2007 were in: 5. begin and end the workday at different times as long as 40 hours per week are maintained, 100. McDonaldization refers to the process by which, All of the following are principles of McDonaldization except, A retail store worker reciting a script when interacting with customers is an example of which principle of, McDonaldization in the workplace is most likely to produce, The organization currently overseeing the multilateral trading system throughout the world is the, make it easier to trade goods across national boundaries. ALL OF THE ABOVE. On a global scale, the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, pressure developing countries to open their economies to foreign investors, 31. To learn more about cookies and how we use them, please view our privacy policy. All of the following are characteristics of capitalism except, 8. An interconnected network of economic activity that transcends national boundaries and spans the world is referred to as a ___________, The________ refers to the structure and means by which a society produces, distributes and, . 98. Flextime allows employees to do which of the following? Which of these is not a criticism of modernization theory presented in the text? 44. While it does not apply in every case, modernization theory does help explain how became successful through an emphasis on a national work ethic. replaces human labor with machinery and equipment, 44. C. without a buyer for their labor, workers have no means of supporting themselves. Structural-functionalists would call the economic institution_________ when it fails to provide. 102. upward social mobilityc. 54. 27. The majority of the wealthy countries, as measured by the GNI in 2007 were in: 4. . Which industry can legally employ children as young as 12 in the U.S.? According to the text, global stratification. 7. The refers to the number of live births a woman will have over her lifetime at the current rate in her country. What is the most common type of nonfatal workplace injury? The most common job related fatality involves. 25. The total volume of goods and services produced by a country each year, divided by the size of the population is called the . The countries are typically poor and largely agricultural. 80. Modernization derives some of its thinking from the work of who argued that the value of individual achievement emphasized by Protestants promoted economic development during the Industrial Revolution. Structural-functionalists would call the economic institution_________ when it fails to provide members with the goods and services they need. A) governments seeking to impose more constraints on capitalism. Terrorism is difficult to predict because: 21. the decline of cities. In 2012, about ______ percent of the global labor force was unemployed. 87. | Register to add an answer answers: 1 13. Free trade agreements have as one of their goals, help the US to compete in the global economy, ______________ are corporations that have their home based in other one country and affiliates in countries, Transnational corporations contribute to all of the following except. Which of the following is not a component of the multidimensional poverty index? Measures of unemployment in the United States consider an individual to be unemployed if he or she meets certain criteria. According to modernization theory, some countries are poor because: 11. The organization currently overseeing the multilateral trading system throughout the world is the. 98. Which of these statements about the world economic system is true? But in the real world there have been few, if any, examples of pure capitalism. d. have a socialist government. 7. 4. The structure and means by which a society produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services is known as. In _____ members actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions., 89. Your text suggests that perhaps the most effective strategy against sweatshop working conditions is, 95. Socialism is more likely than capitalism to emphasize_______. The four components of alienation include all of the following except. 105. International data on poverty and hunger indicates that. Which of these is a problem for countries with high birthrates? 26. a person laid off from a job due to coprate downsizing. the principles of the fast food industry are being applied to more and more sectors of society. For many, occupation represents a(n) _____ , the most significant status in a person's social identity. Which of the following is false in regards to Western influence in the Middle East? ___________ was created in 1970 to develop, monitor, and enforce health and safety regulations in the workplace. the wealthy had no obligation to the community, Underemployment includes all of the following except, those who a re capable of working but who choose not to work, a practice in which ab business subcontracts with a third party to provide businesses service, 48. Marx would call this. The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act requires all companies with 50 or more employees to provide each worker (who works at least 25 hours a week and has been working for at least a year) with up to _______ leave for reasons of family illness, birth, or adoption of a child. 34. According to measures of employment in the U.S., which of the following would be considered unemployed? 30. The highest number of victims of forced labor are found in, 55. Women earn what share of all bachelor's degrees in the U.S.? 63. According to , poverty results from adherence to traditional values and customs. social welfare assistance programs. Does the involvement of Native Americans in gaming operations today help or hurt the economy? 50. According to dependency theory, under colonialism European powers, 75. the principles of the fast food industry are being applied to more and more sectors of society. The four components of alienation include all of the following except. Which of the following is true about the situation in Iraq and terrorism? 52. The structural-functionalist perspective argues the economic institution. Union density in the United States has fallen to, 80. This group controls of world income. D. . In 2011, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin gained national attention when he signed legislation. 45. Believed that workers would stage a revolution against capitalism peacefully, by winning elections and enacting reforms democratically . The unemployment rate for young college graduates was. In 2009, United Students Against Sweatshops launched Kick out Sodexho because. The 1935 National Labor Relations Act, that guarantees the right to unionize, bargain collectively, and to strike, excludes all of the following except. slaves are considered property and can be bought and sold. What is downsizing? The highest number of victims of forced labor are found in, Most forced workers work in agriculture, mining, and. Capitalism is usually characterized by all of the following except: a. private ownershipb. Using power as a basis of stratification, those that control and profit most from the world system are the . Match the situation below with the key term (a-e) it illustrates. 68. 49. According to the "economic hit man" cited in your text, huge loans to poor countries benefit _______the least. A. the use of money to buy and sell things at prices determined by supply and demand B. the exchange of goods, services, and resources in a marketplace C. the movement of goods, services, and resources from the local level to a central administrative location, then back to the local level D. the rational allocation of scarce means to alternative ends E. the exchange of goods, services, and resources between social equals A. the use of money to buy and sell things at prices determined by . Demographic statistics indicate that the world's poorest countries have: 43. ___________ was created in 1970 to develop, monitor, and enforce health and safety regulations in the workplace. 76. On a global scale, the policies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Which of the following generally describes the trends with regards to trade unions around the world? The_______ perspective analyzes the relationship between unemployment rates, college enrollments. 79. 92. According to the United Nations, how does violence affect women in different countries? B. wage labor. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. What was Csar's first step in organizing the workers? Free trade agreements have included all of the following goals EXCEPT, Force the US to abide by more strict environmental regulations than other countries, putting Mexican corn farmers out of business, 22. 89. Slaves in the United States are least likely to be used for, 61. Critics of capitalism argue that it creates. A new addition to World Systems Theory is a focus on which explains how differential profits are attached to the production of goods and services in the world market. All of the following were cited in the text as possible effects of unemployment EXCEPT. Which of the following have changed union density in recent decades? Colonization worked best for the industrial countries when the colonies. In a national poll, one in four Americans said the best way to create more U.S. jobs is to. Which of these is not a criticism of world systems theory? 99. Newly industrializing countries (NICs), 107. Which of these statements about colonialism is false? a. role b. role conflict c. role performance d. role strain e. social interaction. Measures of unemployment in the United States consider an individual to be unemployed if he or she meets certain criteria. 99. There are written consequences for not following these rules. 7. 78. 15. The highest incidence of poverty anywhere in the world is in . C) governments seeking to increase the interdependence of developing economies. What is the difference between authority and coercion? According to the text, global stratification contributes to the threat of terrorism, particularly against the U.S. 51. an economic system in which the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned. An interconnected network of economic activity that transcends national boundaries and spans the world is referred to as a ___________, 2. 22. 106. In contrast to American workers, European workers. 1. corruption. Marx would call this. In 2011, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin gained national attention when he signed legislation. 96. The most dangerous form of child labor in the United States is, 64. Write down five perceptions that you have heard people say about others based on their social class. For a variety of reasons, many of them based on strategic or national security considerations, governments in capitalist countries have retained a considerable stake in the ownership of certain key concerns such as airports or telecommunications. receive at least four weeks of vacation each year. Sarai works in, protects women victims in the sex industry but does. The percentage of workers who belong to a union is measured as, In 2011, Governor Scott Walker of ________ gained national attention when he signed legislation prohibiting collective bargaining by most public workers. A college has a student handbook that has rules and regulations. social equality. Which theoretical perspective sees the ruling class as controlling the economic system and oppressing the working masses? The 1998 Workforce Investment Act provides for all of the following EXCEPT. All of the following are examples of flexible work options except, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. Next to each, describe the reality based on additional research. According to , poverty results from the dependence of low-income countries on wealthy nations. Compared to chattel slaves in the past, modern slaves today are. How did mining in the West after the Civil War differ from mining before the Civil War? 74. Approximately what percentage of recent college graduates (ages 24 or young) have moved back in with their parents? force the U.S. to abide by more strict environmental regulations than other countries. a practice in which a business subcontracts with a third party to provide business services. Between 1873 and 1893, the nation's and the world's economies spiraled into depression. 16. Which of these statements best describes the relationship between population growth and economic development? That said, the commanding heights of the economy tend to remain in private hands, meaning that it's still possible to describe such systems as capitalist, albeit mixed capitalist. 2. The most common job related fatality involves. The replacement of hand tools, human labor, and animal labor with machines run by steam, gasoline, and electricity, 12. 101. is the situation in which human beings do not have enough money for basic survival. Capitalism is characterized by. Capitalism is an economic system that is classified by private ownership of most of the financial decisions rather than government decisions. b. tremendous labor unrest. 66. c. general decline in prices for manufactured goods. The example of toy manufacturers is used in the text to illustrate. Which of these is not generally characteristic of multinational corporations? 9. Compared with other countries, the populations of the world's richest countries are. the millionaire could never be a trustee for the poor. Urban modernization is characterized by all of the following except: Seeks to improve public health Provides civic infrastructure Looks to public education Encourages people to return to the countryside. Which of these is most likely to be a problem for the overall population of high-income countries? 42. Global migrants are characterized by which of the following? government. Prices convey crucial . growth in technology. All of the following are examples of flexible work options except, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. This would be an example of: those funeral rites which follow a prescribed order of worship dictated by religious tradition are. In a pure system of capitalism there would be no government ownership of industry whatsoever. Conceptually, modernization theory is an outgrowth of theory. 28. Which of the following is the measure used to address women's development status by sociology of development theorists? 42. Chris teaches at a university at the rank of full professor with tenure. Socialism is more likely than capitalism to emphasize_______. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of those considered unemployed? an economic system in which the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned. a system of government that serves the interests of the corporations. Post-industrialization is characterized by. 35. Critics of dependency theory note all of the following, except: 41. ______ percent of U.S. men and women report some interference between work and nonwork responsibilities. 31. 100. 38. high levels of inequality, economic instability, and job insecurity. 40. So in that case D would be the correct answer. In contrast to American workers, European workers. In capitalism, private entities are the ones who own many production factors like natural resources capital goods entrepreneurship and labor. pressure developing countries to open their economies to foreign investors. protection of intellectual property rights. According to the World Bank, people live in extreme poverty. Capitalism has many unique features, some of which include a two-class system, private ownership, a profit motive, minimal government intervention, and competition. Which of the following have changed union density in recent decades? 65. Which of the following characterizes wealthy countries? 82. If a study abroad student was to go to a county with high levels of equality he or she will go to: 32. Using power as a dimension, the countries of the world can be stratified on three levels. Which of the following generally describes the trends with regards to trade unions around the world? The most common form of forced labor today is, 60. 77. __________. She and her follow workers make all of their own decisions and control the process. A comparison of the world's richest and poorest countries reveals that the poorest countries tend to be/have all. d. the absence of government intervention in the economy. A student examining dependency theory is interested in documenting which of the following? This very stressful. 62. He is categorized as part of the. Which of the following is false about multinational corporations in the global economy? d. It is an economic system characterized by the fact that most economic activities take place in the private sector, while government plays a small role in the economy. requiring only a small percentage of a manufacturer's supplier factories be inspected each year, 93. B) governments seeking to eliminate constraints on capitalism. The U.S. economic system is _________ in which private individuals and groups invest and attempt to make a, 7. Which of the following have the lowest annual family incomes of any U.S. wage and salary workers? 68. The belief that poverty is the result of core nations extracting labor and natural resources from peripheral nations is central to . The_______ perspective analyzes the relationship between unemployment rates, college enrollments, and crime as part of its focus on how changes in one aspect of society affect other aspects. 83. The countries that comprise a kind of middle class in this stratification system are the . The structure and means by which a society produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services is known as. The United States is responsible for approximately of the global energy use. Children working in agriculture are at risk for. A comparison of the world's richest and poorest countries reveals that the poorest countries tend to be/have all of the following, except: a. be largely rural. 10. 73. Countries that are partly industrialized but extract profits from poor countries to pass on to core countries are called . Compared to chattel slaves in the past, modern slaves today are, The most common form of forced labor today is, Slaves in the United States are least likely to be used for, Sweatshops are characterized by all of the following except, In 2012, the United States Department of Labor found widespread "sweatshop-like" conditions among, The most dangerous form of child labor in the United States is, Children working in agriculture are at risk for. How is environmental degradation related to global stratification? requiring only a small percentage of a manufacturer's supplier factories be inspected each year. All of the following are characteristics of capitalism except. Worldwide, about ____ people are victims of slavery. The 1998 Workforce Investment Act provides for all of the following EXCEPT. 74. 1. Which of these statements about peripheral countries is false? Those with the most power are the . 30. a coalition of companies, universities, and nongovernmental organizations that works to promote adherence to international labor standards and improve working conditions worldwide. The structural-functionalist perspective argues the economic institution. 39. 17. government subsidies to industry. One of the themes of sociology is the differences between perception and reality. 13. 93. Socialism is defined as. What concept relates to the song lyric: Walk a Mile in My Shoes? 46. Walter is part of the richest 20 percent of the world's population. 39. b. be heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture. 91. That is to say, whether you're dealing with a theoretical construct or a system that operates in the real world. 51. is a smart community of thousands of students and experts. 52. 103. The percentage of workers who belong to a union is measured as, 83. 2003-2022 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The World Bank warns that about of the world's population will face severe water shortages by the year. In a national poll, one in four Americans said the best way to create more U.S. jobs is to, In ______members actively participate in setting their policies and making decision, Sarai works with other women from her village making jewelry that is sold on the Internet. individualism was on the decline. All of the following are major causes of unemployment emphasized by your text except. It is thanks to them that even the most difficult questions get quick and good answers. Critics of capitalism argue that it creates. 33. 20. 48. E. production for the market. a. The symbolic interactionist perspective of work and unemployment is most likely to be concerned with explaining, how work gives meaning and self work to the individual. The examples of India and China as newly industrializing countries are notable because they demonstrate, 59. 58. In general, the job prospects for recent college grads are. The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, passed by Congress in 2000. protects slaves against deportation if they testify against their former owners. Sodexho pays poverty level wages and fights efforts to unionize. Sweatshops are characterized by all of the following except, 62. how work gives meaning and self-worth to the individual. Socialism is more likely than capitalism to emphasize_______, 6. 20. 76. is a system by which Western nations became wealthy by taking raw materials from colonized societies and reaping profits from products finished in the homeland. Free trade agreements have included all of the following goals EXCEPT. D) governments seeking to eliminate the . 90. 49. In 2009, United Students Against Sweatshops launched Kick out Sodexho because, Your text suggests that perhaps the most effective strategy against sweatshop working conditions is, The prominent grassroots student activist group profiled in your text is. 3. 78. what type of people were sacco and vanzetti accused of being. Job burnout refers to which of the following? 88. The control of poor countries by rich countries without the use of direct political or military involvement is referred to as . contributes to social stability by providing basic survival needs. 66. Most forced workers work in agriculture, mining, and, slaves are considered property and can be bought and sold. According to theory, countries remain poor when traditional customs and kin relations discourage individual achievement. "Alienation" in industrialized societies is often caused by, 72. He is categorized as part of the. D. peasants are tied to a lord's domain. The long-term unemployment rate refers to the unemployed who have been out of work for______ or more. Which of these explains Jacob Riis's reasons for writing How the Other Half Lives? a. prolonged periods of serious unemployment. contributes to social stability by providing basic survival needs. 108. 50. the dynamicsd. 18. 41. Underemployment includes all of the following except. Per capita GNI is only a reliable measure when used for countries that. Question 55 2 pts The Gilded Age is characterized by historians as a time of all the following except: O capitalism.