Various levels of stakeholder involvement, such as consultation, collaboration or user-control has been proposed [24]. The authors should detail how stakeholders were involved in the interpretation of the results. Since this was not a typical patient focus study, but rather a community-based prevention trial in an institutional setting, we modified the definition of the 7Ps according to our context (Fig 1). Product makers, representing drug and device manufacturers, comprised the sixth group, and principal investigators, or other researchers, made up the seventh. //-->>Aim of workshop and approval number are added in the manuscript. What is manuscript writing done by professionals? Dhulikhel Hospital is an independently owned, not-for-profit institution which was conceived and supported by the Dhulikhel community. While we had a positive experience of involving stakeholder, it was not devoid of challenges. The input from different stakeholder influenced our study goals, intervention, methods, and materials. All manuscripts are handled electronically throughout the consideration process. This could be the publishing firms usual operating procedure. When reporting the results of qualitative research, we suggest consulting the COREQ guidelines: Please see the following video for instructions on linking an ORCID iD to your Editorial Manager account:, [Note: HTML markup is below. >> We removed lesson learnt from title. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONEs publication criteria as it currently stands. Drivers of healthy eating in a workplace in Nepal: a qualitative study. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. The new PMC design is here! -Lines 106 to lines 202: Flow in stakeholder engagement needs to be improved for easier reading. However, much of this evidence has been difficult to implement in practice in real settings [2]. 1. Barnes M, Cotterell P. Critical and different perspectives on user involvement. This led to formation of canteen intervention committee with chairmanship of the hospital administrator and representatives from finance, human resource, nutrition, employee, and researchers. An important work in the area stakeholder engagement. For more information, please see our Individual consultations helped get stronger buy-in and commitment from the higher authorities and employees. For example, we formed cafeteria intervention committee based on the suggestion of cafeteria manager in in-depth interview. Read more information on sharing protocols at >> The result and methods are available in detailed in the paper below and it is now cited. For instructions see: In this case, please consider including more information on the number of interviewers, their training and characteristics; how participants were selected; if a pilot study was tested; how data was coded; if bias issues were considered. A major issue that came up was the involvement of supervisors in participants recruitment. 4.