Generally, a DEC inspector or a county health department assessor determine whether relocation is recommended. A total of 40 publications were identified as healththemed research (, last accessed 01 May 2019; TableS1). This usually occurs by accident or by acts of sabotage. GoMRI supported some of the recent research conducted by his lab, including work on the American alligator (e.g., see Kohno et al., 2014, Kohno et al., 2015). In reference to the Enabling FAIR data Project guidelines, the authors note that this is a review article. All rights reserved. All exposures, no matter how seemingly insignificant, may prove to be consequential. , In an effort to further science outreach, Beresford et al. Zhao et al. Baltimore , Bowden, J. Populations most vulnerable were those with high levels of economic, social, and cultural attachment to threatened, damaged, or depleted resources (Cope et al., 2013). In the process of exploiting unconventional oil resources such as oil sands, priority pollutants such as heavy metals are released into the environment. Nearly the entire sample of those who identified as Vietnamese (98.67%, 74 out of 75 such participants) were from Bayou La Batre, AL, and those identifying as Vietnamese made up 24.2% of the total sample of 326 people (Patel et al., 2018). Examples: kerosene, mineral seal oil, gasoline, petroleum naphtha. (In Press). Breathing diesel fuel vapors for a long time may damage your kidneys, increase your blood pressure, or lower your blood's ability to clot. Red line derived from liberal and blue line from conservative identification methods. Integrative and comparative reproductive biology: From alligators to xenobiotics. , , , & , (2019). Outreach programs have been focusing on broader impacts of scientific work in disaster response. Key benefits to adopting an adaptive systems approach are fostering policy and community adjustments to climate change and building interdisciplinary relationships among researchers and community members. , On the other hand, addition of dispersant increased PM inhalation, magnifying the human respiratory system burden by a factor of 10. Chlorinated hydrocarbons may cause cardiac sensitization to catecholamines, predisposing patients to cardiac dysrhythmias. Smith, L. M. ALSO READ: 4 Ways To Improve Environmental Health In Nigeria Trust the nations most comprehensive medical expert witness network, cultivated over three decades in business. , Vaccari, L. , & Presence of the Corexit component dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate in Gulf of Mexico waters after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Environmental obesogens: Organotins and endocrine disruption via nuclear receptor signaling, Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) Some other short-term health effects of oil spills include: Memory loss, dizziness, headache, chest pain, nausea and vomiting. Finally, because human effect studies not related to direct oil exposure are generally not allowed under the implementing regulations of the Oil Spill Act of 1990 (Sandifer & Walker, 2018), it is recommended that Oil Spill Act of 1990 be updated to ensure coverage for direct, indirect, and longterm effects of oil spills on the mental and physical health of humans. , Drakeford, L. Galligan, T. M. (2019) hypothesized that exposure to DWH would be related to depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, and illness anxiety (defined by Ayer et al., 2019, p. 2) as excessive concern or worry about having or getting a serious illness) 6 years post spill. In a following study, AfsharMohajer et al. , & Much remains to be done in the future to integrate environmental and human impact studies and especially fund research on human health impacts of oil spills. Mundorf, C. No other appropriate data repository was found. Xia et al. Taken together, the GoMRI publications constitute a valuable contribution to a scientific understanding of the effect of oil spills on both the environment and humans. Yatsu, R. U.S. Food and Drug Administration People, including residential tenants who may not be legally responsible for the spill, can request relocation financial assistance from the Fund to cover reasonable expenses for lodging and meals. In laboratory studies, Lenes et al. , & Prochaska, J. Oil spills are an environmental hazard. Cecchine, G. A manual and Internet search was conducted to extract quantitative data on the quantity of crude oil spilled; the concentrations of the pollutants in surface water, ground water, ambient air and plant and animal tissue; and the direct impact on human health and household food security. Children and pregnant mothers are at significant risk. ), low surface tension, and high volatility are most likely to cause aspiration pneumonitis. Science in the aftermath: Investigations of the DWH hydrocarbon discharge. Bakke, T. , , found that residents with a fishing/oil career background were shown to have greater life disruptions than their counterparts whose employment and way of life were not directly affected. Several improvements to the U.S. disaster response capacity that can reduce human health impact of a future oil spill or other disasters include (1) a framework for a selfevaluative and adaptive system, (2) use of messaging methods for risk communication during a disaster event, (3) training and greater use of trusted CHWs, (4) and improving community resilience via an informed focus on stress relief in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery programs. (2016) studied HAB formation by K. brevis on the west coast of Florida where the algal bloom occurs regularly between Tampa and Charlotte Harbor. Some have sites of action in the CNS, namely increasing neurotransmitter binding and potentiating nicotinic blockade by interacting with acetylcholine receptors. Oil spills may involve health risks for people participating in the cleanup operations and coastal inhabitants, given the toxicological properties of the oil components. , & Unsurprisingly, Parks et al. Long-term health effects Oil causes reproductive health problems Breathing fumes or swallowing food or liquids contaminated by oil and gas causes reproductive health problems such as irregular bleeding cycles, miscarriages, stillbirths, and birth defects. Drakeford et al. theorized such contexts may lead to increased maladaptive coping methods such as problematic alcohol consumption. Engel, C. For example, crude oil is considered toxic and causes two main kinds of injury: physical and biochemical. Gee, J. The Gulf Coast Health Alliance: Health risks related to the Macondo Spill (GCHARMS) study: selfreported health effects, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Training community health workers to enhance disaster resilience, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. Galligan, T. M. SC, Over the 7year history of the conference, the number of human healthrelated presentations, including both oral and poster, have averaged 6.68.6% of total presentations, with a significant increase in the number of presentations focused on human health in 2016, likely as a result of strong efforts by session organizers that year. Also, at least a portion of the NIH (NIEHS) funding for human health research related to the DWH was supported by a $10 million allocation from the original $45 million block grant referenced earlier. You may switch to Article in classic view. Vibrio parahaemolyticus causes gastrointestinal illnesses and is the leading cause of seafoodborne illness from consuming raw, improperly cooked, or contaminated seafood (Smith et al., 2011). 1. Assessment of polyaromatic hydrocarbon degradation by potentially pathogenic environmental Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from coastal Louisiana, USA, Whose moral community? Severe pneumonitis from aspiration may require prolonged intubation. ([Link], p. 2) propose a selfevaluative and adaptive systems approach to community resilience, asserting that diverse perspectives on resilience can result in conflicting priorities before, during, and after disasters. The Consortium for Resilient Gulf Communities (CRGC) uses an adaptive systems approach within the GOM based on building trust through exploring various knowledge types. , & Effects of crude oil/dispersant mixture and dispersant components on PPAR activity in vitro and in vivo: Identification of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DOSS; CAS #577117) as a probable obesogen. Kovach, K. A. Bernhard, M. C. 1) ACUTE EFFECTS OF INGESTION by SIMPLE PETROLEUM DISTILLATES: Low viscosity, highly volatile hydrocarbons (eg, kerosene, gasoline, liquid furniture polish) are chiefly aspiration hazards. Sandifer, P. A. , Zeng, J. Skin contact can also make you more likely to develop a rash or skin infection. Federal data indicate that approximately one in four shrimpers in the GOM are members of the Southeast Asian community (predominantly Vietnamese Americans; Macchi, 2015), a potentially vulnerable population after the DWH spill due to their natural resource dependence. Experience expertise in action. The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) was established in 2010 with $500 million in funding provided by British Petroleum over a 10year period to support research on the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and recovery. Loss, trauma, and human resilience: Have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events? Beresford, S. (2017) pointed to the need for emergency management officials to recognize the ability and usefulness of community health workers (CHWs) in disaster planning and response. (2016) in an extensive review of approximately 10% of all oil spill literature published between 1968 and 2015. Niepa, T. H. R. , & And our case managers streamline billing and logistics every step of the way, letting you focus on what you do best: constructing your winning case. Fillingham, K. The oil spills could lead to a 60% reduction in household food security and were capable of reducing the ascorbic acid content of vegetables by as much as 36% and the crude protein content of cassava by 40%. Fanning, K. A. (2015), Paruk et al. The American Petroleum Institutes Manifesto on Crude Oil (CAS #8002-05-09; (a.k.a. , However, long-term exposure, which can be a matter of days or weeks, can cause central nervous system problems, or do damage to blood and organs such as kidneys or livers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Community attachment and negative affective states in the context of the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. (2018). Miglarese, J. V. Gasoline contains small amounts of benzene, a known human carcinogen. Reddy, C. M. Shearer, J. J. Others stimulate GABA A activity. Katsu, Y. The lungs of those who have been exposed to oil spills would be badly damaged, due to the inhalation of toxic gases emitted by the spills. The main oil spill effects include a variety of diseases, negative economic impact, pollution with crude oil or petroleum products (distillates such as: gasoline, diesel products, jet fuels, kerosene, fuel oil, as well as heavy distillates like hydraulic and lubricating oils) and the aesthetic issues that affect the residents of the affected areas in multiple ways. Lichtveld, M. , A few additional papers have appeared or are in press for a total of 44 to date. 9) CHRONIC POISONING: Long-term or repeated exposure to certain aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons can result in hematologic (eg, benzene), hepatotoxic (eg, chlorinated hydrocarbons), renal (eg, chlorinated hydrocarbons), neuropsychiatric (eg, toluene), neurological (eg, n-hexane) and carcinogenic (eg, benzene, vinyl chloride) effects. Petroleum jelly may cause a mild laxative effect. Weisberg, R. (2018). Oil dispersant increases PAH uptake by fish exposed to crude oil. Nataraj, S. One of the adverse effects that may accompany prolonged exposure to gas flaring (as with Niger Delta region of Nigeria) is increasing incidences of health anomalies amidst inhabitants. Sandifer, P. A. Does time heal all wounds? , Strong community attachment, however, appears to help mitigate impacts, strengthen resilience, and enhance recovery in some circumstances. AMFS is not a law firm and does not provide legal services to non-represented parties seeking counsel for any particular matter, nor does AMFS provide any lawyer referral services.If you need legal advice for a specific matter, please consult with a licensed attorney. Deleo, D. M. (2016). Doheny, B. M. , Perkins, C. RuizRamos, D. V. Nevertheless, many of these reports were focused on the behavioral health . , & (2016) explored the possibility that dispersants used in the DWH cleanup effort may act as an obesogen for humans. It also makes such areas very volatile, as a tiny spark can set off an explosion. , et al. A copy of this disclaimer can also be found on our Disclaimer page. Human health is badly affected by the contamination of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), and the effects depend largely on the type of site (land, river, and ocean) of oil spilled. The COR model suggests that chronic loss of or threat to such resources, especially when coupled with an inability to develop new or alternative resources, may result in a loss cycle' for residents who are unable to adapt (Parks et al., 2017, p. 279). , , , These chemicals can cause respiratory problems as well as temporary central nervous system troubles. Lesen, A. , , & Walsh et al. Oil Spills and Human Health: Contributions of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. Anyone relying on information obtained from Google Translate does so at his or her own risk. (2013) found that rats inhaling brevetoxins produced by K. brevis (PbTx3) were left with reduced antibody formation and an impaired immune system. (2017), Sandifer et al. Crude oil is not readily biodegradable and the effects of exposure to this toxin will be felt from generation to generation. , , Sullivan, W. C. (2018). Eklund, R. L. On 20 April 2010, the largest oil spill in U.S. history to that time began when the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) drilling rig failed. (2019). , Human Impact. Following cell lysis, toxins accumulate in the water, aerosolize, and are transported by winds, causing or exacerbating asthma attacks and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among those living in coastal regions (Lenes et al., 2013). Palinkas, L. A. Straight chain hydrocarbons with few carbon atoms (eg, methane, ethane, propane gases) can cause asphyxiation if exposure occurs in poorly ventilated spaces. , & , Nigerian bonny light crude oil induces endocrine disruption in male rats. They found that trauma history was the most significant predictor for each of the outcomes. Washburn, T. W. This finding may serve as the first identification of tar balls as a potentially serious human health risk for infectious disease. Lembke, C. The human health risk estimation of inhaled oil spill emissions with and without adding dispersant. Walker, A. H. Longnecker, K. The county health department or state health department may be able to help provide additional health information to affected individuals and their doctors. According to the ecological symbolic theory, natural resourcedependent communities experience longterm stress impacts when renewable resources are endangered (Lee & Blanchard, 2012). This assessment of GoMRI public health contributions also points to a major issue namely, that more attention needs to be paid to human health before and after a major oil spill or other disaster. There is a relationship between the effects of crude oil and health status of albino wistar rat. , Sandifer, P. A. (2019). . But another aspect that is so concerning is the health effects of oil spills. (2012), Deleo et al. , & , , Yoerger, D. R. Patel et al. (n.d.). Crude oil contains various toxic chemicalssuch as human carcinogensand long-term health effects, including the development of cancer and degenerative diseases from such exposure, could result . Bowers et al. (2013). (2014). To determine aerosol particle size distribution, tests were conducted measuring seawater with crude oil slicks, crude oil and dispersant mixtures, and dispersant only (AfsharMohajer et al., 2018). , DWH spilldriven contaminants have been linked to pulmonary health issues in human populations (Lenes et al., 2013; Walsh et al., 2016) and shown to be a cause of fish kills (Dickey & Huettel, 2016) and contamination of seafood (Smith et al., 2011; Tao et al., 2011; Xia et al., 2012). Weisberg et al. Cutter, S. L. Baseline data collected in October 2010 showed distrust in both BP and the federal government was similarly high among respondents in the study, while distrust in state government was significantly lower. (2014). Tucker, C. , , , (2016). , In a review paper that summarized seafood safety information obtained from 10,000 Gulf samples, including the work of Xia et al. In situ patterning of hierarchical nanoporous gold structures by inplane dealloying. While these authors did not consider human health issues, their findings should raise questions about potential toxicity of oil and dispersants to other organisms, including humans. Ebokaiwe, A. P. Walsh et al. Some individuals are more sensitive to petroleum odors and to the effects of exposure than others. , Boggs, A. S. P. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. (2016). SuttonGrier, A. E. Breathing the fumes from crude oil are known to cause chemical pneumonia, irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, nausea, and labored breathing. The authors declare no conflicts of interest relevant to this study. (2016) used PPAR transactivation assays to identify putative obesogens. Roark, A. M. An estimated 240,000 barrels of crude oil are spilled in the Niger delta annually. Chronic exposure can result in irregular heartbeats, convulsions, and coma. CHWs are able to contribute to public health, community resilience, and disaster preparedness and recovery through their unique position of living within the community in which they work. Religiosity, secularity, and selfrated health across communal religious contexts. Abstract. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame: Shifting perceptions of recreancy in the context of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Many environmental contamination studies were conducted following the DWH oil spill in the GOM. We employed this organizational scheme to improve the flow of the paper and make it easier for readers to find information of particular interest to them. Exposure to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, associated resource loss, and longterm mental and behavioral outcomes. There is also a significant increase in the risk of cancer. Dr. Guillette was an internationally recognized leader in comparative reproductive biology and impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals to both animals and humans, with prominent works including temperaturedependent sex determination of reptiles. , Oil spills are an environmental hazard. This work was also supported in part by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award P01ES028942 to the University of South Carolina through a subaward to the College of Charleston. Petrun Sayers et al. Bowers, R. R. Zhu, J. (2015). , The marine ecosystem of the GOM absorbed a very large dose of toxic hydrocarbons and dispersant as a result of the DWH oil catastrophe (MacDonald et al., 2014, p. 1). Blanchard, T. C. i. , The number of oral and poster presentations on human health at the GOMOSES conferences were tallied as another metric of human healthrelated contributions. Oil spills affect both. The rapid depletion of fossil fuels and their negative impact on global warming and crude oil prices have increased the need for new and renewable fuels. Spyropoulos, D. D. and Washburn et al. Contact with V. vulnificus in seawater can infect wounds and abrasions, with fatality rates of 2030% (Tao et al., 2011). , , & (2017). Oil spills can also affect human health. The commonly used nonionic surfactant Span 80 has RXR transactivation activity, which likely increases the obesogenic potential of oil dispersants and food emulsifiers. In order to capture cancer rates, studies need to run for an extended period of time. Chronic exposure to petroleum products may affect the nervous system, blood and kidneys. Because of the diverse nature of oil spills, it is difficult to predict the extent and duration of impacts on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River ecosystem, human health and the regional economy. . HABs occur when algal populations proliferate, resulting in detrimental effects on humans and marine life. Kostka, J. E. Oil contamination is not only a concern for the environment but also for human health. , Kohno et al. (2010) examined all documents published to that date dealing with any type of human health outcome in populations . Short-term health symptoms after exposure to an oil spill include: Memory loss Dizziness and irritability Headache Nausea and vomiting Chest pain Coughing and lung problems Fatigue Skin. , The DWH spill has been a longlasting life event for residents of the GOM, disrupting routine behavior, increasing anxiety, straining economic resources, and negatively affecting mental health (Ayer et al., 2019). Several studies analyzed seafood contamination linked to the DWH spill. Zhao, F. , & (2017). The State of New York, its officers, employees, and/or agents shall not be liable for damages or losses of any kind arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of such information, including but not limited to, damages or losses caused by reliance upon the accuracy of any such information, or damages incurred from the viewing, distributing, or copying of such materials. The purpose of this study was to assess the hematological and liver function indices among the subjects participating in the Gulf oil spill cleanup operations in comparison with the standardized normal range reference values. Jackson, W. B. Drake, R. R. Reuscher, M. G. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Oil spill disruption and problem drinking: Assessing the impact of religious context among Gulf Coast residents. Those working in the fishing and seafood industry during the DWH spill were more likely to screen positive for depression, and higher levels of resource loss were positively correlated with depression and anxiety symptoms (Ramchand et al., 2019). Drakeford, L. Soil contamination is of particular concern as it does not only effects human health but also vegetation growth and biological . Based on an extensive, targeted literature review, they made eight recommendations designed to enhance the resilience of both individuals and communities to disasters, including both longterm and shortterm health effects: (1) improve disasterfocused health programs and responses; (2) increase collection of predisaster health data, including biomarkers; (3) enhance capacity of science and health responders; (4) use natural infrastructure to reduce disaster impacts; (5) better include displaced persons in disaster responses; (6) utilize naturebased treatment for disasterassociated stress; (7) strengthen health focus in disasterrelated laws, policies, and regulations; and (8) develop more equitable process for dealing with financial aspects of disaster recovery to reduce recreancy.
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