Portal Emphasis on the contributions of the Federal Circuit to patent law, and in particular its administration of eligibility, bars, nonobviousness, equivalents, and other modern patent law problems. Prerequisite: Law 6520. Examination of complex joinder, the management of factually related claims in multiple venues, modern class-action practice, and current developments in the law of claim and issue preclusion. Class of 2022 Academic Calendar Class of 2023 Academic Calendar. Arbitration versus traditional civil litigation. Students may not receive credit for both Law 6485 and 6493. This course features Up to 44.50 hours of comprehensive, exam-focused content, patterned after the medical oncology ABIM Blueprint. Consideration of basic intellectual property principles in patents, trademarks, and copyrights necessary for application of antitrust principles. This course is graded on a CR/NC basis. Each student on a two-person team must select one of two issues for which they will draft half a brief for a pre-assigned side and orally argue at least once on behalf of each side. It considers challenges in the business law setting such as counseling; crisis response and investigation; and prevention and compliance. (Take-home examination), Human rights law in international and internal armed conflict, examining the origins of the law of war, the 1949 Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims, the Geneva Protocols of 1977, the 1980 Geneva Conventional Weapons Convention, other treaties and customary international law relating to means and methods of warfare, the role of the International Committee of the Red Cross, war crimes and enforcement mechanisms, and current problems in the regulation of hostilities. U.S. law and practice relating to characteristic forms of international transactions, including the transnational sale of goods (the law governing the documentary sale, various forms of letters of credit, commercial terms and insurance); the export of technology through franchising, distributorship, and licensing contracts; and the export of capital through the establishment, operation, and withdrawal of foreign direct investment. Medical schools will evaluate you based on your MCAT score and GPA, but also by your letters of evaluation, personal statement, and experiences. O (insider loan limits), Reg. Recommended courses include: 6546, 6547 and/or completion of the GWOxford International Human Rights Law Program. Real property: historical background of the law of estates and conveyancing, types of estates, dower and curtesy, landlord and tenant relationship, concurrent estates, future interest at common law and after the Statute of Uses; introduction to modern conveyancingthe real estate contract, the deed, the recording system, methods of title assurance. (Examination, take-home examination, research paper, or writing assignments) (Select sections announced at registration-E), Individual rights and obligations in employment; survey of common law and statutory regulation of the individual employment relationship from its inception to its termination; emphasis on current developments such as wrongful discharge, medical screening, employer-provided health insurance and child care, occupational safety and health, workers compensation, and retirement issues. The course will feature some lectures, and will emphasize classroom discussion. Prerequisite for J.D. The examination for this course will take place prior to the traditional examination period, currently scheduled for Friday, March 24, at 2pm (2 hour, closed book). (Examination), In-depth study of the three major areas used in design law: copyright, trade dress, and design patent. Students who receive credit for Law 6890 Cybersecurity Law and Technology may not enroll in this course. The Mock Trial Board sponsors the internal Cohen & Cohen Mock Trial Competition in the fall semester, which is only open to GW Law students. students who do not hold a J.D. Constitutional, statutory, and executive authorities that govern the intelligence community; intelligence structures of other countries; the natural tension between law enforcement and intelligence activities. This course may be repeated for credit provided the topic differs. (In-class exercises and writing assignments) (E), Theoretical and practical challenges to reinforcing international human rights of women. (Examination, take-home examination, research paper, or writing assignments) (Select sections announced at registration-E), This course will focus on appellate advocacy before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). This course teaches advanced writing to professionals in the government contracts field, including effective written communication tips and tools which students will use in upper-level seminar courses. students with permission of the environmental law program director. Complaint drafting, pretrial motions, depositions and other discovery methods, preparation of witnesses, jury selection, the use of experts, direct and cross-examination, introduction of documents, courtroom techniques, and opening and closing arguments. Events This course will cover important basics regarding English writing, including sentence structure, style, grammar, and the organization of research papers and other documents. Graded for a letter grade only (Updated 2022-09-01). Topics covered will include traditional espionage, foreign agent activity, leaks and mishandling of classified information, nation state cyber crimes (including economic espionage), export control violations, court-authorized foreign intelligence surveillance, and the handling of classified information in criminal cases in Article III courts via the Classified Information Procedures Act. By the end of the course, each student will have simulated moving a case from the filing of a complaint to the eve of trial. Head and Neck Oncology Cancer Conference. The course will cover the many ways that lawyers are called upon to be leaders, the skills they need to make a significant impact, strategies for delivering results and driving positive change, their ethical obligations, and ways to develop a strong executive presence and leadership agenda. The state action doctrine. Recommended: Law 6870 or 6875. This course is graded on a CR/NC basis. This course is graded on a CR/NC basis. Two credit hours may be earned in both the fall and spring semesters. To qualify as an Other Student Competition for credit (1) the competition must be sponsored by the ABA or an ABA-accredited law school, and (2) a faculty member must serve as coach for the competing students and certify that they have earned the course credit. (Examination or take-home examination), In-depth study of the complex body of laws that protect or regulate wildlife, including laws that protect ecosystems and the habitats in which wild animals live. (Examination), Intellectual property rights in computer software and in cyberspace. As a backdrop to these discussions, we will also study relevant law related to reproductive rights including cases involving contraception and abortion. This course may be repeated for credit provided the topic differs. The Civil Access to Justice Clinic Medical Legal Partnership Division is a 2-credit clinic that focuses on providing holistic services to address health problems that arise at the intersection of law and medicine. For certain classes, judges or practitioners with experience in the topic of discussion may be invited to share their input and experience or participate in a simulation. Enrollment is limited. Special problems, such as conspiracy, inchoate crimes, causation, insanity, and complicity, are subjected to detailed analysis. It offers students the opportunity to sample a broad array of areas of the law with more than 275 elective courses offered each year. Enrollment is limited. The course will assess why federal and state procurement legal systems have evolved with so little interaction, and will ask whether we should do a better job of bringing them more in line with one another, and, if so, how. We will then examine the phenomenon of leaks and the criminal prohibitions on such disclosures. We will also examine some of the less frequently prosecuted (but equally significant) intellectual property crimes, such as conduct that violates the criminal prohibitions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Analysis of the goals and costs of the patent law system. License agreements involving governments and universities; tax and bankruptcy considerations; and multimedia licensing. The method by which students will be evaluated in the course is indicated at the end of each course description. Topics include informed consent; human experimentation; personhood; reproduction, including advanced technologies and prevention; patients rights; death, dying, and limits on intervention; hard choices; and public policy issues. No prerequisite courses required but at least one of the following is recommended: Law 6500 (Government Contracts), Law 6502 (Formation of Government Contracts), and/or Law 6503 (Performance of Government Contracts). This course is a corequisite for students enrolled in Law 6668 in a non-profit, non-governmental, or governmental placement, as determined by the assistant dean for field placement. This course will introduce students to basic foundational concepts and vocabulary that will be further developed in later courses in the government procurement curriculum. (Research paper), Basic course in conveyancing. Satisfactory completion of Law 6657 in the second year and satisfactory completion of all journal work in the third year is required to receive CR for this course. Enrollment may be limited. Enrollment may be limited. Credit may not be earned for both Law 6218 and Law 6343. This online module is a guide for preparing and delivering effective scientific presentations. How computer crimes challenge traditional approaches to the prohibition, investigation, and prosecution of criminal activity. Then we will address how the most important intellectual property crime cases criminal copyright cases, criminal trademark counterfeiting cases, and criminal trade secret theft cases are investigated and prosecuted in the United States. Comparison of regulatory and remedial techniques available through case law, general statutory provisions, and specifically targeted statutes; public and private enforcement mechanisms, including consumer class actions, competitor lawsuits, and alternative dispute resolution. Crimes and punishments. Topics include statistical proof, surveys, and epidemiological principles. Although the focus of this course is primarily on federal government procurement, there will be some consideration of state and local government contracting and may be some coverage of procurement by other nations or international organizations. This is a restricted class. Topics covered include novel and emerging theories of recovery (e.g., medical monitoring), class actions/mass torts, preemption, and methods of proving scientific causation. (Examination), Federal income tax consequences of operating businesses taxed as flow-through entities, including partnerships, limited liability companies, and S corporations. If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access content on this page, please let us know. (Examination or take-home examination), Legal issues related to homeland security before September 11, 2001, and the adoption of the Homeland Security Act of 2002. This course may be repeated for credit provided the topic differs. There is a story of an administrative agency run wild, and of course, there are court cases. A maximum of 2 credit hours may be earned in this course. The method of evaluation will be a research paper in the Fall 2022 semester. Exploration of various doctrines that regulate the importation of goods protected by intellectual property rights, such as those forbidding parallel importation and those dealing with the first-sale doctrine and exhaustion of intellectual property rights. CR/NC. Prerequisite: Law 6526 or permission of the instructor. This course is graded on a CR/NC basis. Examination of international export control treaties and case studies. and M.S.L. Students will work one half-day every other week in a primary care setting (general internal medicine, general pediatrics, family medicine, or geriatrics) regardless of their current rotation. (Writing assignments and simulation) (E), Study of the legal instruments that protect the rights of individuals and groups and the jurisprudential bases of those instruments. (Writing assignments and oral exercises). Berl, Goodman, J. Kohn, Kucinski, (Take-home examination), Survey of the treatment of animals in state, federal, and international law. Focus on techniques for creating and structuring an appellate brief and developing effective arguments to support a clients position and refute an opposing partys position on appeal. In examining why procurement regimes in the United States are not better integrated, the seminar will look to European and other foreign models of integration and harmonization, and to the role of grants in integrating the federal government into state procurement systems. There is regular weekly discussions of externship experience; periodic written assign- ments; and the preparation of an associated research paper. (Class participation and research paper), Meets these Tuesdays 3:50-5:50 pm: 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, Examination of those areas in which persons with disabilities have traditionally been denied some right or benefit afforded other persons in our society and have resorted to legal action; introduction to statutes and agencies designed to protect people with disabilities. ], Selected topics in constitutional law to be announced at the time of registration. (Take-home examination), Survey of arbitration and related mechanisms of dispute resolution in the international legal system that arise out of commercial, financial, and governmental transactions. In preparation for trial, students will also engage in motions practice and arguments. The scope of available remedies in Section 337 cases, the role of U.S. Customs in enforcing ITC exclusion orders, and review of ITC decisions and the Federal Circuits jurisprudence relating to ITC matters. Students also work with clients to address health-harming infringements of these basic resources. Second-year students must enroll in Law 6657 to reflect journal participation. Major international agreements, programs, and efforts to stop nuclear proliferation. Appropriate welfare standard for merger analysis; the role of various types of evidence in examining mergers, including econometric and customer evidences; biases inherent in the institutional design of federal merger review; remedies; the effect of overlapping merger reviews by antitrust and industry-specific regulatory agencies; and comparisons of the U.S. merger review system with those used elsewhere. (Examination or examination and writing assignments), Survey of the legal authority of city, county, and special-district local government units. Practices and procedures of the Internal Revenue Service and the Tax Division of the Department of Justice; the protections of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments; federal grand jury practice; foreign evidence compulsion procedures; motions practice; identity theft; terrorism financing cases; and parallel criminal and civil tax proceedings. (Writing assignments), This course examines basic technical concepts relevant to the law. CRN: Course Title: *Wild Card Searching Permitted. Legal concepts relating to the private sector and civilian government engagement in cyberspace. Focus on jurisdictional disputes between those governments, the source and scope of Indian sovereignty, and recognition and enforcement of Indian land and treaty rights. The final part of the course will examine issues raised in the defense of public corruption cases, including the Speech or Debate Clause, the application of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and the strategic issues faced by defense lawyers representing witnesses, subjects, targets, and indicted defendants in corruption cases. This course is graded on a CR/NC basis. students: Law 6502 or permission of the instructor. (Research paper), Selected topics in property and real estate law to be announced at the time of registration. degree from a U.S. law school and who intend to sit for a bar examination in the United States. A grade of H, P, LP, or NC is given for this course. Prerequisites: Criminal Procedure (6360) and Evidence (6230). degree. Topics include the roles of the Court and the other institutions, the question of sovereignty, the four freedoms, competition, company law and labor relations, agriculture, and the EU in international law. The course covers the three phases of arbitration: establishing the arbitration, presenting the case in arbitration,and enforcing an arbitration award. Environmental regulation, advanced environmental legal research, ethical concerns related to the practice of public interest law, client counseling and negotiations skills, the art of commenting on regulations and legislative drafting, the role of state and local governments in environmental protection, and the basics of environmental transactions. (Role play, take-home examination, and class participation), Examination of the federal financial assistance system and specific legal issues arising with respect to management of federal grants and cooperative agreements. The course will also cover international anti-corruption efforts both in enforcement and through international instruments, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Anti-Bribery Convention, the UK Bribery Act, and other emerging anti-corruption regimes. Taking the roles of mediators and disputants, students participate in a number of simulations. This course is graded on a CR/NC basis and will meet 7 times per semester for two hours. (Research paper), 6399-10 Constitutional Law Seminar: Leading Cases in Context (2). (Examination), Selected topics in securities law to be announced at the time of registration. (Examination or take-home examination), The nature and origins of the federal governments foreign relations powers; cooperation and competition between the executive and legislative branches; the role of the courts in foreign affairs; limitations on state powers touching on foreign affairs; treaties, executive agreements, and customary international law and their relationship to U.S. domestic law; the extraterritorial application of U.S. law; and sovereign and official immunities. We will discuss specific, ongoing case studies, including the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan, counterterrorism operations in Africa, the future of detention at Guantanamo Naval Base, the proposal to increase the deployment of private contractors in Afghanistan, and the use of increasingly autonomous drones. The objective is to offer law students a foundation to be conversant in different concepts that relate to their legal training, particularly in the first-year curriculum. (Examination), Federal, state, and local laws that in effect constitute housing policy in the United States. (E), Under faculty supervision, students represent indigent litigants in D.C. Superior Court, and undertake a range of cases in the Family Court (divorce, custody, child support, alimony) and the Domestic Violence Unit (civil protection orders, modification and extension of civil protection orders, and contempt). Enrollment is limited. The rules and institutions that permit or disallow governance of these issues. students. Regional developments in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Africa are covered. (Writing assignments), The role of the lawyer in businessgovernment relations. Graded for a letter grade only (Updated 2022-09-01). Major treaties and international instruments (both U.N. and regional) relating to womens rights; standards of sex discrimination as developed by international tribunals and domestic courts; interaction of international and domestic law in the context of womens human rights; feminist and activist theories and critiques of state responsibility for violence against women; conflicts between womens rights and religious or cultural rights. There is overwhelming evidence that conscious and unconscious bias impacts academic medical teaching environments at multiple levels.
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