How to Turn off Negativity. But heres a hypothetical situation: Your boyfriend decides to spend his weekend with his friends instead of you. I knew it. This is very dangerous!" This is a problem that can be addressed by sitting down and having a difficult talk. You are not dependable!, On the other hand, expressing a concern highlights your feelings, needs, and ends with an actionable step or gesture to have more preferred moments. Its a narrative I see over and over again since theres a bit of jealousy and insecurity in every relationship. It's not healthy for partners to spend 100% of their time together. If youre a clingy partner to a severe extent, maybe you are not ready for a relationship. As a licensed marriage family therapist, I often challenge couples facing negativity in a relationship, to begin with committing to a week of no-complaining. As you settle into it, you may feel a teeny bit insecure. The biggest insecurities in relationships usually stem from the fact that theyve seen something turn out badly before. It is only by understanding our own psychological and emotional needs from ourselves and our partners can we fruitfully stop nitpicking. Many people are torn between wondering if theyre paranoid, or actually being cheated on. And when the uncertainty gets out of hand, we are faced with the fiend of insecurity. Being cheated on changes you immensely, and recovery is difficult. So let us begin this journey together, which will help you understand yourself a little more by finding an answer to Why am I so insecure in my relationship? In this article, psychologist Juhi Pandey (M.A Psychology), who specializes in dating, premarital and breakup counseling, writes about the signs and reasons why youre so insecure in your relationship. What Is a Platonic Marriage and Is It Right for You? 1. Jealousy and insecurity in relationships can be caused by hurtful events in the past, 4. I know my boyfriend loves me, but I feel insecure. What if they don't actually like me? Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, The Best Age Gap Relationship Advice, According To Dating Experts. Related Reading: 8 Most Common Causes Of Insecurity. So if you have a question, be direct and ask it. They automatically. 15 Reasons They Are, 15 Assured Signs He Will Never Forget You. What am I doing to destroy all these relationships? Being negative is something you learn. The culprit may not lie necessarily within your relationship, it could stem from the temperament at work or with friends. Maybe the reason why he's being negative is because he feels like he can't enjoy his hobby in peace around you, and maybe you feel like he spends more time playing with Legos than spending time with you. For example: In this case, maybe you have already turned to a professional or a psychologist. Breaking it off is the first step to start living in a more positive and relaxed way. What is the narrative that you take away from the moment of discovering a missing item? However, this kind of negative relationship can build up to harmful energy in your body or escalate to alienation and antipathy for each other. Your partner has past trauma. As the ying-yang symbolizes, life is a constant balance between negative and positive. If yes, possibly there was some event in your life that marked you, and from then on, you began to feel negative for a particular context or thought. If he does something you don't like, make sure you let him know. Before we talk about, My husband made me feel insecure about my body or My wife makes me feel insecure by behaving like Im not enough, I want you to address whether you feel insecure, irrespective of their opinions. Perhaps you ask your partner to pick up some items that you need for dinner and they return missing an ingredient. But when youre a few years down the line, a lack of communication can send the whole thing spiraling down. In the words of Kahlil Gibran, "you need spaces in your togetherness to sustain your bond.". Subscribe and get FREE meditation, mindfulness, and self-improvement content in your inbox, twice a week. 645. This is more of a general problem than a relationship issue, but it may be impacting your relationship. With a creative arts background, Jelisha weaves her creativity and humor into her therapeutic work in addition to being an expert writer for Backstage Magazine helping artists navigate relationship hurdles. Are you hurt or angry that he wont spend all his time with you? What am I not wanting to look at? The whole relationship is pure thought, and each thought you send out, can be a powerful energy that can align you and your partner to create a healthier relationship. After 2 years of being in a live-in relationship, I feel so insecure in my long-distance relationship. Limerence vs. Love: Whats the Difference? Why am I so negative? Further, bad behavior should have a consequence," Parikh says. It is normal to feel despair and the horrible feeling that there is nothing I can do to change this, no matter how much I want to.. Maybe youre reading into things because you are projecting your issues. Such negativity can be consuming to the point where you easily forget what drew you and your partner together initially. Other times, jealousy can be caused by unrealistic expectations about the relationship. Grappling with insecurity is never easy because it demands a lot of introspection. I invite you to do so: the path can still be painful, but with help (preferably), or without it, it can make you better. Negative thought patterns are common in those with anxiety and depression and can cause major issues in a relationship. In these relationships, one partner's needs may be ignored to fulfill another partner's needs. While you are engaged in a negative relationship, you are tense, angry, and furious around your partner most of the time. Therapy for insecurity in relationships is always available. Were your one-stop destination for unraveling the mystery that is love. They often feel depressed. Dr. Sharma advises, "Negativity is one of the most harmful aspects of modern relationships. I urge you to spot the similarities with honesty because this is a safe space. I get jealous, I micromanage, I can be passive aggressive, and I use sex as a weapon. Perhaps, youve both been busy or been having a few problems. To understand how to keep negativity out of your marriage you need to understand how negativity works. A relationship works with the efforts of two people, and he should pitch in to do whatever he can to make you feel safer and secure. Mean language. The thing is, I don't even intentionallydo these things while dating. All the good things your partner has done may pale in comparison to the bad one or two or more. Id like to mark an important difference between responding and reacting. Since unlearning our habits is a long process, what we can do meanwhile, is think before acting them out. You should also address these concerns with your partner. Youre correct in asking, Why am I so insecure in my relationship?, since the reasons behind insecurity can be complex and varied. RelationTip: Show up when you say you will! The past isnt as far behind as we think it to be. Your insecurity develops because you think, Since Im not good enough, he must be with someone else to make up for my flaws. You may feel insecure in a new relationship especially. Well, no, Im just sad. But if you havent, and youve been a negative person all your life, you should still go and see a mental health professional. This is the most characteristic phrase of a person who cultivates a negative thought and who, moreover, believes himself to possess universal reason. Nine times out of ten, our own perceptions of ourselves and how the world perceives us are responsible for how we feel. What if they're just using me? Im telling you this because, in every situation, you will have to behave differently. Plus, as Parikh points out, "it's better to end a relationship early than marry the wrong person.". Your belief system will determine how you approach dating, and how you expect to be loved. We also have a gratitude list to help you come up with little and larger things to be grateful for. You can recondition yourself, that's the great news, how? It is common to have worries every now and then when you are in a relationship. If youre not too thrilled about yourself, youre going to think nobody else is, either. It may feel sudden, but its likely you neglected some maintenance and oil-checks along the journey of your relationship. Well, look, Im sure you werent always negative. Here's a caution, though: If your mood soars higher and it's NOT contagious? Today I'm talking about that distraction and possibly some things that I could . Questions are how you get to know someone! Sometimes, what makes a woman insecure (or a man) is something that happened in their childhood. Its because you dont think too highly of yourself. Is he cheating on me? Anxiety caused by insecurity can also be the reason behind your mood swings, irritability, distraction, panic, and anger. This will always depend on each person and their personality, but, in general, everyone is influenced by the environment in which they move and the people they surround themselves with. All of our thoughts and energy were focused on the negative that could happen, and since it did go wrong in the end, well, we say to ourselves, I was right, so, negative thinking is okay, because, in the end, thats what I thought was going to happen. is the couple-relationship destination for Indians everywhere! Requiring or demanding attention constantly are unhealthy indicators of insecurity. Our cognition drives our responses, while our emotions drive reactions. There is much more that needs to be said. Long time evolution has programmed us to tilt a bit to the darkside. Wondering Why Am I So Insecure In My Relationship? If you want to know more about how you can decrease the negativity and replenish your relationship with more harmony, check out,, Best Marriage Therapists in New York City, The Importance Of Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships, 25 Common Marriage Problems Faced by Couples & Their Solutions, 50+ Best Funny Marriage Advice: Finding Humor in Commitment, 35 Relationship Goals for Couples & Tips to Achieve Them, Spice up Your Day With Cute Relationship Memes for Your Partner, 15 Signs of Rejection in a Relationship and What to Do, 20 Insights in the Law of Polarity in Relationships. They could be exposed to broken trust, cheating, a disturbed . Self-love is a part of the most important relationship of our life the one with ourselves. We have been together for three and a half-years; she's just turned nineteen and I'm soon to be twenty-one. I once kept finding women's clothing in my boyfriend's bedroom for nearly a year without asking him any questions about it because I feared conflict so much. So if you find that your relationship is in trouble, ask yourself if you or your partner are engaging in bad relationship behaviors. Since youre not in touch with each other (emotionally), youre feeling insecure regarding the relationship. In some cases, the anxiety may be for other, unrelated reasons. Each relationship goes through phases of development. Typically, negative people have a negative conception of themselves and other people and, therefore, go around the world with a somewhat aggressive, angry, negative attitude. Who knew the key to a healthy relationship was just being the best version of yourself and having standards? They are covered with the blindfold of negativity, a blindfold that allows them to see the positive part of life and leads them to a gray, sad, and unfriendly path. Is it wholly negative? "Over-giving causes anger and resentment. Being happy depends on you and on the way you approach your look. What is it that you really need? When we are sad, we see that the rest are happy, and we get sadder. ", How are you supposed to find out if you have the same goals for your relationship? As you start to deliberately clear out the complaining, you will make more room to notice the strengths in your relationship and appreciate the things that you value most in your partner. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. Negativity keeps us from moving forward, from blocking ourselves and getting stuck in our safe and controlled environment. If we didnt trust them to be reliable parents for us, if they were ambivalent in their approach or completely absent, we develop an insecure approach toward our future relationships. Your partner has unresolved baggage in your relationship. Content Summary. #1. Every single person out there has struggled with feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, and people tend to carry these with them when they start dating. A relationship cannot and will not function in a healthy manner unless youre willing to talk. Coming to terms with our own patterns can be challenging. I work with a lot of exceptional men(including world-ranked athletes, doctors, and leaders of companies), and they all fall hardfor feisty women who know their worth," she explains. The irritable feeling of facing negativity in a relationship will eventually subside. How to stop negativity from killing your relationship, Ways to keep negativity out of your relationships, Essentially, there must be enough love gas in the tank so that you can make it through when rough weather occurs. Of course, we are not always aware of this. 18) You think too much and overanalyze everything. Your knee-jerk reaction must have been denial. If one partner holds on to harmful limiting beliefs, like being afraid of failure or thinking that they don't deserve love, they won't be able to trust completely - and trust is the foundation of any relationship. These small details now are met with disdain and critiqued instead of applauded. Your own beliefs - Are there any grounds for you to be insecure? He informs you that hes got plans. If its help youre looking for, Bonobologys panel of experienced therapists is only a click away. A real relationship has its highs and lows, some of which you have no control over. Dating disasters of previous relationships can exercise a lot of influence on us. Parikh says, "Every woman should have standards the baselinebehaviors she demands ina relationship. 6. A day like this happens to everyone. They automaticallydefault to doing 90 percent of the work of a relationship texting, planning dates, making dinner, cleaning the home, paying the bills, etc." The visions you have about your partner will manifest. And finally, maybe you suffer from social anxiety. Jealousy and insecurity in relationships can be caused by hurtful events in the past 4. It could be for any number of reasons. "There is a very tight feedback loop between a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 2. Try and see these reasons behind jealousy and insecurity in relationships with an open mind. You're most likely hitting that communication wall so many couples experience. Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. 1. If you're worried your partner may like you enough, you might subconsciously act out or push them away so you don't have to feel the sting of rejection. TikTok mom who got 'dumped' while pregnant shares how Tinder date became her fianc. These are all potentially problematic issues that need to be addressed in a relationship for it to work, and all potential causes of anxiety. Why? . Sharing feels unnatural. 4) You Are Experiencing Codependency. And because we cant change in a matter of minutes, we feel worse. Skilled in HR interventions, Family Therapy, Public Speaking, Psychology, and Mental Health Counselling. Your insecurity could be rooted in childhood issues. After going through these signs, you must have gotten a clear idea of where you stand. How To Deal With Jealousy And Insecurity. ", According to her, lowering your standards is not a good look, and can even be " the death knell for a relationship.". He's ruled by fear. Related Reading: 8 Ways To Overcome Insecurity In A Relationship. It also has its rough patches. Make sure you're mindful about what you think and feel about them on the inside. . Another way to demonstrate your worth and self-esteem could be waiting to have sex until you're both committed, or at least until you actually know the guy is right for you. Individuals whove just begun dating may feel insecure in a new relationship. One big reason is low self-esteem and self-worth, according to clinical psychologist Maggie Dancel, Psy.D.