Fears are common in the population and . The etymology of fear is traced to the German word Gefahr which translates to danger. For example, many people fear spiders they experience a . The pangs, flutters, and confusion associated with feeling afraid are a result of the body shifting gears with an immediate goal of keeping ourselves alive. A fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. That's why Dr. O'Leary and Dr. Peppler are passionate about providing comfortable, professional, and judgment-free dental care. As a verb fear is (obsolete|transitive) to cause fear to; to frighten. They arise from the perception of danger leading to either avoiding the threat known as flight response or confrontation of the cause of fear. When is fear rational? Hence, it is no wonder that people are confused. For example, shyness could be transitory. Exposure to the source of their phobia can cause tremendous distress. Individuals with phobias go to great lengths to avoid the animal, object, or situation of their fear. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM 5) classifies phobia under anxiety disorders with the following diagnostic criteria: Fear is traced to the word danger while phobias etymology is more emotionally extreme with the word terror. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rapid heartbeat. In this case, the person will know that their fear, anxiety, and reaction are irrational and unnecessary, but they wont be able to do anything about it. Normal fears can cause you to be uncomfortable but the level of distress can be managed. However, the differences between these two words prevent them from being used as synonyms for one another. Fear is a rationalized and justified emotion that comes in response to a threatening situation. A phobia, however, twists the normal fear response into something that is persistent and difficult or impossible to control. Fear keeps us safe, and phobias have little to do with danger. Agoraphobia, which refers to people who fear to leave their familiar territory, find it very uncomfortable to stay among an unfamiliar crowd since it is a nightmare for them to think of becoming helpless in case of a panic attack or medical emergency. Its not a pleasant feeling, but it has its uses. Fear is a normal, occasional emotion that is triggered by a potential real danger.Fear will trigger psychological and physiological mechanisms to protect oneself from this situation (face or flee for example). Anxiety is the feeling of unease, worrying, and apprehension whereas phobia is an intense fear that an individual feels when in reality there is little or no danger. The term phobia is usually discussed in terms of social phobias, specific phobias and Agoraphobia. Fear and phobia are both characterized by emotional responses which involve physical reactions such as increased heart, breathing, and pulse rate. Fear is a general emotional state induced by any threat from outside that causes physiological changes in us. Ask someone what theyre afraid of and theyll likely begin to rattle off animals, insects, places, or scenarios. People who experience fear can easily manage their discomfort as they can still carry on with their daily routine after the threat disappears. Brown, g. (2022, February 4). For example, many people may fear snakes, but only a minority of them will meet the necessary requirements for it to be called a phobia. While phobias are extreme forms of fear, trauma is a long-term emotional response to an extremely disturbing experience caused initially by fear. : they will never ever visit the snake section in the zoo). Take, for example, a fear of sharks. Categorized under Disease,Psychology,Science | Difference Between Fear and Phobia. The difference between fear and a phobia lies in the normality of fear, versus the abnormal features of a phobia. Brown, gene. But people with above-mentioned phobias will have most of their time and energy, consumed on worrying about the situations and objects they are scared of. This is an involuntary response as the physical reactions are governed by the sympathetic system. Perhaps the most obvious source of fear, theyre not the only way fears can be acquired. Both fear and phobia induce certain physical characteristics within a person. Usually fear is more subtle than a phobia. However, there are three main types of phobias with several specific variations within those groupings, so a phobia is far from a universal experience. Fear is a natural and universal emotion. Fear or anxiety immediately after being exposed to phobic objects or situations. Fear is an instinctive emotion that occurs when one encounters some sort of perceived threat. It can be defined as an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. Breathing quickens. There's a distinct, key difference between fear and anxiety. A fear becomes a phobia when it impacts your quality of life. Required fields are marked *. Fear is a non-offensive response to objects or events. Phobia came from the Greek word phobos which translates to panic fear or terror. These are associated with situations that make individuals feel very uncomfortable. Also see Anxiety Vs. Panic attacks. Specific phobia refers to the fear one develops related to a specific object or situation like dogs, spiders, snakes, elevators, heights, etc. Your fear must be unreasonable and irrational to be diagnosed as a phobic disorder. Although we say "fear" what we really mean is a phobia. However, there are some key differences between the two. Psychologists often make a distinction between fears and phobias. Jean Brown is a Registered Psychologist, licensed professional teacher, and a freelance academic and creative writer. Under normal circumstances, fear can be managed through reason and logic. by Tyler Fordham | Nov 3, 2021 | Anxiety Disorders | 0 comments. But when fears become so severe that they cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with your normal life, they're called phobias. The etymology of fear is traced to the German word Gefahr which translates to danger. Are they the same thing? Phobia came from the Greek word phobos which translates to panic fear or terror. As compared to phobia, fear is more associated with instincts as it is a primitive emotional response to something aversive or unfamiliar as babies are born with fear responses. Phobic Fear: Affects your daily life. 2021 Mental Health Rehabs. Claustrophobia IV byLaura Lewis(CC BY 2.0)via Flickr, Scared Child at NighttimeBy D Sharon Pruitt (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia, Embogama is a passionate freelance writer for several years. A dental fear isn't the same thing as dental anxiety. Phobia will cause irrational fear that will consume most of your time energy and time. Phobias are an anxiety disorder. It keeps one safe. Difference Between Philosophy and Psychology, Difference Between Self Esteem and Self Confidence, Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual. Key Difference: Fear is a natural emotional response which has been essential in human evolution. Where do one end and the other starts? The two are powerful emotions that can hijack our brains and bodies, overriding our common sense and logic. Fear can be felt by anyone when faced with an unknown or dangerous situation.. Phobia will cause irrational fear that will consume most of . Social phobia, which comes under anxiety disorders mainly includes people who are reluctant to interact with the society. Call our confidential helpline 24/7 for help finding mental health rehabs, doctors, counselors, or even local support meetings. Unlike fear, phobia is characterized by persistent rumination of the threat. Scared? A phobia is an anxiety disorder. Despite modern-day humans facing few (if any) of the physical dangers our ancestors faced, our brains still have those hard-wired fear responses. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal. Fear is a common feeling experienced by everyone. The main treatment for phobias includes cognitive behavioral therapy, where affected individuals are taught and to manage their fearful feelings during insecure situations and modify their thoughts and attitudes. Generalized anxiety disorder - excessive worry about many everyday problems, for more than six months. The main difference is that chronic fear applies to almost everything, while phobias are very selective and apply to a specific thing, place, action, or circumstance. However, a phobia is constant. It induces butterflies in the stomach, accelerated breathing, increased pulse rate, sweating, nervousness, muscle tension, alertness, goosebumps, etc. A fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. On the other hand, phobia impairs an individuals occupational, social, and other areas of functioning as the experienced anxiety is inordinate. Fear is a very common feeling each and every one of us experiences at some point in our life. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. You forget about the fear once the danger is over. Pupils dilate. Blood flow is diverted from the gastrointestinal system (which is why you might feel queasy or feel butterflies in your stomach) and sent to the brain and muscles. Unfortunately, they are permanent and very difficult to be handled until being treated. Is caused by perceived threats. But to the person with the phobia, the danger feels real because the fear is so very strong. Fear cannot be and should not be treated medically. 4 minutes read. Human beings display a vast number of emotions. If the situation cannot be avoided entirely, it has been noted that he or she will endure the situation with great distress that significantly interferes with occupational or social activities. Some key differences to keep in mind: A phobia can cause discomfort due to avoidant behavior and anxiety reactions to social situations Phobias are an excessive fear or anxiety related to specific situations out of proportion to the actual danger Fear is natural when people feel they face imminent danger Phobia can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. 4. Your email address will not be published. Fear is a normal human emotion triggered by threatening conditions. When you pay attention to just these types of symptoms, you might think fear and anxiety are the same. Fear noun. This fear can be . WhatsApp 0 Share Email Print Like this: Normal Response to Fear It is easy to become afraid of almost anything. The high level of anxiety is often out of proportion . However, when that fear starts becoming irrational and starts interfering in the quality of life that is when it would start becoming a phobia. The terms fear and phobia are directly associated with each other, however, they are still very confusing. Spiders, heights, the dark), social phobia is an acute type of anxiety disorder related to interactions with others (i.e. For most of the people, these episodes of fearful sensations are temporary, easily handled and more importantly they do not need medical help. It is not abnormal to feel little anxious when doing certain activities in our day to day life, like walking on a bridge, looking down a hill or sitting next to a chair with a spider on its arm. |. Phobias are considered a type of anxiety disorder that can range from mild to severe. Additionally, people with agoraphobia may have panic attacks in public places, while [] The term NOMOPHOBIA or NO MObile PHone PhoBIA is used to describe a psychological condition when people have a fear of being detached from mobile phone connectivity. Everyone faces fear at times, for example when someone is in a car accident. What causes a phobia? Healthy Fear: Doesn't affect your daily life. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 9% of Americans have some sort of phobiaabout 19 million. The most significant difference between shyness and social phobia is the intensity of the symptoms. What is a phobia? One of the ways to tell the difference between fear and phobias is if there is a real and present danger. A phobia is an irrational fear where the reaction of the sufferer in avoiding the said cause is grossly disproportionate to the actual threat posed by the object or the situation. Phobia is one of the mental problems that have a profound effect on his personal and social relationships. This is normal. Fear is characterized by mild to moderate (sometimes reasonably high) anxiety while phobia is distinguished by a very high anxiety level since it is an anxiety disorder which is coupled with equally very high avoidance and anticipatory behaviors. The difference between a fear and a phobia Fear is an emotion linked to perceived or real threat. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. Organs and body parts at the exterior of your cardiovascular system (think limbs, fingers, and toes) lose blood flow, which can cause cold, clammy, or flushed skin. Phobia refers to an abnormal fear of something. A typical fear gradually develops into an excessive, irrational fear while it doesn't happen vice versa. Fear is a vital human physical and psychological response. The main difference between phobias and fears is how a person responds to it. When does a fear become a phobia? What a person ends up being afraid of is largely due to the amygdala, the part of the brain that has to do with memory. A phobia is an irrational fear where the reaction of the sufferer in avoiding the said cause is grossly disproportionate to the actual threat posed by the object or the situation. As such, the main difference between fears and phobias is that the latter results in a disproportionately intense reaction. Phobia can cause tachycardia, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or even panic attacks. This is due to the fact that self-image is under construction . Your email address will not be published. The following are the two stages of fear: This is when the body responds to danger by fight, flight, or freeze. Phobia is limiting, while fear, if you manage it well, makes you great, it shows you that you are braver than you think, that you are more capable. The difference between fear and a phobia lies in the normality of fear, versus the abnormal features of a phobia. These are some of the many queries attached to fear and phobia. The etiology of phobias is known to be linked with genes, gender, brain chemicals, bad childhood memories, and traumatic events in the past. Some phobias are very common while some are rarely heard of, but the affected person lives his life full of fear and anxiety. There is no need to resubmit your comment. 1 We all try to avoid things that make us feel uncomfortable, but people with phobias work hard to avoid what scares them, so much so that it disrupts . But the person will usually be able to deal with these symptoms and carry on with their activities. Her certifications include TESOL (Tampa, Florida), Psychiatric Ward Practicum Certification, and Marker of Diploma Courses. Specific - This is when there is a specific object or situation causing the fear, such as dogs, heights or flying. Social anxiety disorder, or a fear of social settings, can cause people to avoid people altogether. Human beings are also subjected to many psychological conditions and phobias are one amongst many such psychological conditions diagnosed by psychologists around the globe. The large variety of fears Fear is characterized by mild to moderate (sometimes reasonably high) anxiety while phobia is distinguished by a very high anxiety level since it is an anxiety disorder which is coupled with equally very high avoidance and anticipatory behaviors. Individuals who are suffering from snake phobia will spend most of their time worrying about snakes and try their best to avoid situations and activities in which they might come into contact with snakes. Considering the fact that fear is a common and primitive emotion, whereas phobias are mental health conditions, it should be valid to say that phobias are more severe than fears. Being an anxiety disorder, phobia is characterized by higher levels of anxiety than fear. However, due to the similarities displayed between the two it is often seen that these two words are sometimes used interchangeably. MLA 8 Learn more and find a mental health rehab near you today. They are two completely different things though they are similar and interconnected, using them interchangeably is still incorrect. A phobia is an irrational fear where the reaction of the sufferer in avoiding the said cause is grossly disproportionate to the actual threat posed by the object or the situation. 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